Friday, October 26, 2012

Services Update

Hey everyone!

It's been such a pleasure finally working on campus with all of you back! How is it already October 26th?! That is crazy. Lots have been going on in my office since the summer time so I thought I would give you all an update to remind you of some of the services that are provided for YOU! I will discuss those that are not included in this post, in my next blog update, but please feel free to check them all out online NOW at I am also starting to look at all of our services and beginning to prepare an evaluation to present next semester. If you have any interest I would love to hear some feedback from you! Send me an e-mail with any positive or negative experiences you've had, things you want to see change within your services or even services you love/utilize the most! As the year goes on there will be lots of ways for you to generate feedback but as for now, I would still love to hear from you :)

Before I do update, there is one apology I owe you. I acknowledge that the Tutor-Database from our X-Tutoring service has been down since you have been back, it was a technical difficulty but I assure you it will be up ASAP. We have figured out some of the loopholes and you will be able to access the database in no-time, I will keep you updated! I am truly sorry if you have experienced any inconvenience but as I have done and will continue to do: please send me an e-mail if you need a tutor and I will manually try to connect you with someone on our list. Also, if anyone is reading right now who wants to BE a tutor, we need lots of them! From science, to engineering, to business to arts. All you need is a 75% or higher in the course you wish to tutor and your contact information can be registered in our database for students to contact you if they need. Please send me an e-mail at Thanks :)

On the Health and Wellness front, I have some good news! We all remember my post earlier in the summer about my search for condoms, well low and behold, Trojan has generously donated our student body 5000 condoms. You can e-mail me or come into my office at anytime if you want some. And if you'd rather not ask, I always have a bucket full on my door.

As a reminder for students who are on campus in the evening, visiting friends or working on school work in the library or SUB... we have Drive U available for YOU to drive you home safely and for free. We are always parked outside of the SUB from Sundays-Tuesdays 8PM-12AM, Wednesdays & Thursdays 8PM-1:30AM, and Fridays 9PM-1:30AM. It's getting chilly!

Our Student Food Resource Centre has been handing out recipes for Warm Autumn Apple Crisp, along with their contact information. Sometimes being a student means living off a tight budget. The Student Food Resource Centre offers temporary food relief to ensure that every student at St. FX has access to the food they need to stay happy and healthy. For those of you who do not know, it is located in the Municipal Building located on 42 West Street. It is open Monday to Friday from 9:15-5:30, if you have any questions or concerns please contact our coordinator Amy Brierley at As for the recipe for Warm Autumn Apple Crisp:

1 or 2 apples (depending on the size), peeled and sliced

3 Tbsp. rolled oats (not instant)
1 Tbsp. brown sugar
1 Tbsp. whole wheat flower
1/8 tsp. cinnamon
1 Tbsp. melted butter

Place fruit in a small microwave safe bowl. Combine dry ingredients and stir in melted butter. Sprinkle topping over fruit. Then you microwave on high for 2 1/2 minutes or until apples are tender.


Last but not least, if you are looking for OFF CAMPUS HOUSING for the 2013-2014 YEAR, please visit our awesome and helpful website: THEUHOUSING.CA. Once you are into the website, click on the search tab at the top and begin to browse through the many homes available in the 'nish! We have an Off Campus Housing Officer, Ciara Yorston, hired to check out the homes and visit landlords to then broadcast them on our website for you. Best of luck in your house hunting! If you have any questions or would like her help with anything, please feel free to e-mail her at! Keep your eyes peeled for a fresh new look on our off campus housing website.

I hope you all have a very fun and safe weekend, see you all at the Inn for Oktoberfest and TIM CHAISSON!


Monday, October 22, 2012


Greetings everyone! So after seeing the success of the summer blog this year, and the positive response we got from students, we decided we will continue the blog throughout the school year. We did kind of miss out on about 2 months worth of updates in our hiatus, but hopefully we can bring you guys back to speed as quickly as possible with what we've been up to! Unfortunately I didn't really think that far ahead when coming up with the domain name, so the url is going to have to stay at theusummer, but hopefully people are used to it by now! Annd of course, we all wish it was always summer!

Soooo... since August? Well Frosh Week was a huge success and feels like a billion years ago. I had so much fun and it was amazing to see the Frosh having such a great time, huge thanks to everyone who made the week so successful (o-crew, security, student services, etc etc).  After Frosh Week, I'm pretty sure September didn't exist. It felt like I closed my eyes for two seconds and it was already Homecoming. We did have great success with the September Sidewalk Fest on September 14th - it was great to see so many students out in the town. We are hoping this event will be an annual one and I'll be adding info about it in my transition report. It is great to have such a positive relationship with our town. We also ran the Football campaign for Sexual Assault Awareness Week in September, which garnered lots of attention and I think the campaign was very powerful and effective in shedding light on this important issue. You can check out the campaign's website at

         This week my #1 focus is pulling together and solidifying the plan for the Movember campaign. Last week I met with Colin Brennan and Leo Macpherson from Athletics, and they are completely on board for partnering with the campaign. The Men's Hockey team is going to be doing some great events throughout the month to help out. As well, I've reached out to faculty and staff... the main goal is to make this a campus wide campaign! We are going to have a great kick-off party on November 2nd at The Inn so watch out for info on that ... for now be sure to head to The Official FB Page and like the page to stay up to date on the campus campaign. I AM SO EXCITED I LOVE MOVEMBER ... more info to follow!

Also this Saturday is our first concert at The Inn feat. Tim Chaisson and Poor Young Things. Wylder and I saw Poor Young Things perform in Montreal this summer and they were unreal, and of coure... Tim. Need I say more? I actually cannot explain how much I love him. I mean, watch this video and look at his eyes. HIS EYES!  He has a new album out and the show is going to be amazing, and tickets are only $5!! That's crazy! Get your tickets now at the Info Desk!

That's all for now, I will be posting again soon because there is much more to update you on! Good luck to everyone who is still writing exams, and see you all at WING NIGHT

- Kaleigh, VP Comm