Friday, November 16, 2012

What if the Library were open till 3am during exams?

Hello blog world,

It’s been awhile.... But I’m back and ready to go!!! Lots to update on for sure. Well the school year is already in full swing, and by that I mean first semester is quickly reaching an end. Before we know it there will be shiny new xrings all around campus, and the start of exam season will be upon us. With the exam season comes a major concern and that would be STUDY SPACE!

The Student Senators have been out and about asking students what some of their concerns are related to academics. One of the most common responses was study space, and let me assure you it is at the top of my agenda! I am currently exploring the option of extending library hours for the December Exam period. I would like to know your thoughts on this. Is having the library open till 3am something of interest to you or your friends? Would you stay at the library past midnight? Would you rather have the library open late or the SUB? All very important questions that I would love/need to hear feedback on. I will be sure to keep everyone informed as this process continues, and I further embark on the journey of bringing late night study space to StFX. I am meeting regularly with Lynne Murphy the University Librarian and her staff, as well as Dave MacNeil the Interim Director of Safety and Security, and Leon MacLellan the Director of Facilities Management. 

Please let me know your thoughts by answering this question on The U Facebook or email me at The more I can show the Library and Administration that this is a top priority for us students, the greater the possibility of extended hours. <- Please answer the question at this link

The current discussions in regards to extended hours concern security of students and the building. I remain optimistic that we can find a solution that all can agree on. Again though any feedback is greatly appreciated.

In other news the Antigonish Womens Resource Centre and The Students' Union joint project on Engaging Youth and Preventing Violence Against Women at StFX was recently made public. Check out the link below.

Please stay tuned for more information on STUDY SPACES and the potential for a FALL READING DAY BREAK.

More to report in the coming week or so. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.

Be kind to one another and ask your friends if they would study late at the lib in December!

Rachel Mitchell

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

comm update!

Hello everyone!

Hope you are all enjoying this lovely month of Movember and the wonderful staches that are a-growin'! Here is a little update from the Communications office!

This weekend Wylder and I attended COCA East and Nova Scotia Music Week (NSMW) in Liverpool, NS. For those of you who missed my post about COCA in the summer, COCA stands for the Canadian Organization of Campus Activities. It is an organization that The U is a member of, and it provides opportunities for collaboration, block-booking and professional development for its members. We attended COCA National in Montreal in June, and this weekend at COCA East we were able to meet with all the Atlantic member schools. We paired these meetings with Nova Scotia Music Week where we attended as Buyers so that we could have the added value of attending showcases and developing relationships with artists and managers! 

The weekend was great  - on Friday and Saturday we attended "5-minute pitch sessions" in which artists had 5 mins to pitch why we should book them for shows. This was great because we were able to see a lot of artists in a short-period of time. Following these sessions we moved into meetings with COCA East. We touched on a lot of topics including recaps of our respective Frosh Weeks (what worked, what didn't work), year-long communication strategy, upcoming small-scale programming, Frost Week plans and block-booking opportunities for second semester. Talking with the others schools is what is most beneficial about these conferences - the discussions we have about what worked and didn't work is a great learning experience and something we can take back to our schools. As well, block-booking can greatly reduce our costs when it comes to bringing in artists for away as we usually get a deal on travel costs. Overall, lots of great discussions were had and I learned a lot!

In the evenings we attended showcases of different artists. I was very excited to see Willie Stratton showcase which gave us a taste for his show this Saturday at The Inn - let me tell you, HE IS UNREAL. You do not want to miss this show! We also attended a songwriters circle and are currently working with a few other East Coast schools to coordinate a songwriter circle for second semester! We'll update you on this project as it progresses! There is a lot of amazing talent in Nova Scotia, and it was great to be a part of the weekend!

Other projects I've been working on have been updates to - over the summer we upgraded from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7 with the new design of the website. Unfortunately during this upgrade a few glitches have occurred with the site. It has been a long process but I FINALLY have almost all executive and sub-executives, councillors and senators up in the people section of There is still a few adjustments and updates to be made, but hopefully this will help a bit with people trying to find contact information. As well, the fall office hours for the executive have been posted in their profiles! I will be working over the next two weeks to get the office hours for all councillors and sub-executive posted as well, so that this information is easier for students to find!

This post is already quite lengthy so I'll save the discussion of Movember for another day. For now, be sure to like our Facebook page to stay up to date on the campaign! See you all The Inn this Friday for Vilify (GOING TO BE SO GOOD - she's the coolest person I've ever met)

To Infinity and Beyond,


Update on a number of things!

Hello Xaverians!

It has been a while since I have blogged and I will not be able to share everything in this post today. I want to discuss three things though: collective bargaining, and our upcoming lobby conference, and Students Nova Scotia’s first position paper.

The Students’ Union release its first briefing note on the current Collective Bargaining Negotiations which are being held between the St FX Association of University Teachers and the university Administration on Friday. This document can be found here: The Students’ Union is committed to updating this information as often as needed so that all members are informed. Please check often for updates.

Secondly, I wanted to discuss the lobbying conference that Patrick Carruthers, VP Finance and I will be attending next week. This is a week long Advocacy Week which the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations (CASA), organizes. Pat and I will have meetings with MPs, senators, and others who work on Parliament Hill to discuss Post-Secondary Education in Canada.

In the lobbying document which we will be using this year the topics covered are: better funding grants, in-study income exemption, exempting one vehicle, open access, protecting student intellectual property, and the student voice in Canadian research. These six topics will form the framework around which we have discussions with those on Parliament Hill. If you have any questions about these topics, or the conference, please don’t hesitate to contact me ( or Pat (

Finally, Students Nova Scotia is about to release is first position paper. This has been apriority of Students Nova Scotia since the rebranding I spoke about in the summer. Position papers allow for our group to take a stance on certain issues affecting students in Nova Scotia. The first paper is a position paper on Funding and Accountability. Pat and I will be hosting a discussion period this Friday at 4:30 PM during which we will present a briefing on the paper followed by discussion about the content. After the meeting, we will be submitting St. FX’s thoughts to Students Nova Scotia so that they can make any changes before the Board approves the paper later this month. If you are interested in participating in this discussion, please email Pat or I and we will send you the full paper.

That is all for now, as always, if there is anything that you have a question about or want to discuss further please let me know!

