Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I wish it was Wing Night at The Inn...

HEY FOLKS! Happy Hump/Wish-It-Was-Wing-Night.. Day!

Where did May go? Weren't we just at the last Wing Night? AND It's raining today... what a surprise!

Lots of things have been going on both in and out of the office recently! Earlier in May we attended a Leadership conference in Kentville with other university exec teams, it was really fun and beneficial. It's great to start building those relationships and connections with other universities in Nova Scotia so early in the term! Hopefully we will be able to bounce ideas back and forth, and learn from each other all year long in terms of the best ways to benefit you, the student body.

A lot of time lately has been spent evaluating and looking closely at the services we have to offer YOU through the Students' Union and I'm getting so excited for you guys to arrive in September! Our offices will include lots of new faces but still the same services you love, whether it be Drive U, X-Tutoring, your Student Advocates, the Environmental Office, or the Student Food Resource Centre. This summer I am also acting as the Off Campus Housing Coordinator, and updating the Off Campus Housing website ( with housing advertisements. If you still need a house OC in the fall, check it out! 

I've been working closely with Rachel on a new project called Engaging Youth to Prevent Violence against Women at StFX, which has been implemented through collaborating with the Antigonish Woman's Resource Centre. Annie Chau, who was hired as the project coordinator, will be working closely back and forth between the AWRC and our campus. May is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and advocating for these issues is a huge passion of mine so I'm really excited for the opportunity to raise awareness on campus with a great, determined group of women and men.

Speaking of Hump... I am the health and wellness advocate so being the month that it is and the box of condoms I have in my office, I have started to create this lovely wall of Sexual Health and Condom-Use F.A.Qs on my office window (Room 407-4TH Floor SUB). There are tons of brilliantly marketed condoms from the company "One" surrounding the provided info. It will be in blossom by the time you all arrive, so when you're reading the funny slogans they have written on the condoms themselves, you'll read the Frequently Asked Questions too... right? My door has an open door policy for free condoms, so feel free to come read the information and/or fill your boots. They're donated to the Students' Union for you.

Thanks for reading, I really am having the funnest summer in office, and outside of it. What isn't there to love about being around StFX ALL YEAR ROUND?!

Hope you are all equally enjoying your summer!


VP Union Services

1 comment:

  1. Come stranger, walk this path with me tonight:
    Take pleasure in the dark – come – take the air!
    Let my hand lead yours, your eyes hold back your fright,
    Remove all doubt, release your burdened care.

    Come, stranger, your buckling legs are too slow,
    Your face as wan as milk within a pail:
    We have a distance on this path to go,
    A journey you did promise without fail.

    Stranger! To sit and weep is misery -
    Yours, not mine, for this way I know too well:
    Take heart, you’ve been unchained, set free,
    By the faint tolling of that distant bell.

    Stranger ! Your dream is done and now we leave:
    Let others weep for you, let others grieve!
