Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Finance Update

Finance Update!

Good day folks – I thought I’d give you an update from the finance office; it has been a busy month! Nick and I just returned from a conference in Mount Allison with CASA, our Federal lobbying group. It was very informative, and we picked 24 policies that as an organization we would like to focus on. Some that we fixated on were improving access to the Canada Student Loans Program, promoting the development of programs concentrated on mental health issues on university campuses and advocating for the removal of GST on textbooks/less restrictions on the importation of academic materials. Since the Federal Government has been playing the austerity card, we may have success on the textbook front.

I have also met with our newly named Provincial lobbying organization, Students Nova Scotia, and have completed an internal governance review – which sets up SNS with awesome policies and by-laws that toe the line of the law. As of today the organization will be building a new website and going through a rebranding process, I am extremely excited to see the final project. The intention of the website is to encourage students’ to become more informed of Post-Secondary issues at the Provincial level and become a one stop shop for all student related information in Nova Scotia.

Nick and I met with Maurice Smith, the NDP MLA for Antigonish earlier in July - it was a meeting to see where the current Government stands on PSE and the NDP's approach to StFX as an economic engine. I look forward to seeing what their election platform includes on PSE in Nova Scotia and if any infrastructural or research support is promised.

Sean, Kaleigh, Mitch (Sponsorship Coordinator) and I have been working diligently to secure sponsorship for Frosh Week – with my estimation we are well above our budgeted amount. It should make for an amazing Frosh Week with lots of cool prizes, events and great sponsors who support students!

Sean, Kris and I are also working towards improving the food options at the Inn – we are currently at the menu development stage with Sodexo. Our hope is that the Inn will become a great place to stop for supper and apps.

Facilities Management has just completed the electric portion of our audio upgrades and the majority of our audio equipment has arrived, my bet is that Impact will have the sound system up by August 15th! Kaleigh mentioned the new shooter bar in an earlier post, it should make for a better experience for the bartenders and hopefully improve our serving efficiency.

On a financial perspective, the Students’ Union fared quite well and Greg Coulas’ budget was on par in the majority of places– which means that we can continue to provide great services to the Students’ of StFX without financial worry.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful summer, and if you have any questions feel free to email me at


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