Wednesday, July 11, 2012

It is already July!

Afternoon All,

As I sit here writing this, I am blown away about how quickly the past two months have gone. So much has happened and yet, there is still so much to do before the great day of Septmenber 2, 2012! With the Frosh Week theme announced (, we are working to make this the best week yet!

Since my last post, I have attended a Board of Governors meeting with Conor Kyte. Conor is one of our elected Board members. Olwyn Foley, the other elected Board member was unable to join us for this meeting. It was a good meeting and we were able to share our voice in a number of discussions.

I have also been working with Michael Overmars, who works with the Antigonish Food Security Collation, in regards to food on campus. We hope we will be able to host a number of local food events this coming year in conjunction with Sodexo.

Exciting news for the X-Ring recipients of 2013: the planning for the ceremony has begun!! Your Senior Class President, Matt LeMoine, Vice-President, Kathleen Johnston, and I met earlier this month and began to discuss the plans for the after party and a number of other events. Julieanne Mattie, the Students’ Union Account Coordinator and X-Ring guru, was also able to join us and added a bunch of helpful hints to aid in our planning. X-Ring recipients you will want to get to know these three well!!

Our Off-Campus Community Relations Board is off and running.  The mandate for this board as represented in our Student Union By-Laws is as follows:

1. The mandate of Community Relations Committee is to enhance communications and relationships between the University, the Students’ Union and the Town of Antigonish.

2. The Committee shall undertake activities or projects to address issues of concern in, but not limited to, community development relations, housing, environmental  sustainability, economic activities, recreation, health and safety and volunteer outreach.

This year we are hoping to address issues surrounding house, the municipal election, and town relations. We are planning an event to launch to Board and introduce students to the town in September. Stay tuned for more news!

Pat and I have a meeting with Hon. Maurice Smith, MLA for Antigonish, on Friday. We will be discussing the Government’s plans for St. FX, Tuition, and the social and economic impacts of post-secondary education to St. FX students. A blog post will follow with an update from that meeting.

It really has been a busy time, but we are still finding some time to have some fun. Rachel and I went to Canvendish this past weekend. It was so much fun! (There were just a few people there).

Many of us are heading home for some vacation soon. As always, feel free to contact me anytime with questions, concerns, comments, or anything else you would like to chat about!

This is where I will be for my vacation!

Enjoy the long days of summer,


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